Now that summer is officially just a little over a week away, let the state fairs begin!
Last night I went to an artists' reception at the local fairgrounds, where the above picture will be on display in the fair's photography exhibition. It was an impressive showcase of about 1250 exhibits, and I am both honored and humbled to have been chosen to display a picture where there are so many incredible photos featured by so many talented photographers.
I love fairs, but it's not really because of the sensory overload created by the bright flashing lights of the carnival rides or the egregious amount of fried food. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy elephant ears and anything on a stick just as much as the next person, but I truly love fairs because they give locals an opportunity to showcase their arts and crafts and hobbies like gardening, baking and animal husbandry.
And this fair also holds all kinds of fun contests, and a lot of them don't require pre-registration; you just have to show up. Best of all, most of them have a very minimal entry fee, if they have one at all. And where else are you going to see such things as: Farm Contests: Watermelon Seed Spitting, Corn Husking, Worm Racing; Baby Derby; Best Animal Noise Contest; Ugliest Rock, Painted Rock; Hip Hop Dance Battle; Ballroom Dance Contest; The Great American SPAM Championship (which qualifies you to compete for a national title); Jalapeño Eating Contest; Elvis Tribute Contest; and Recycled Wearable Art?
Entrance to these fairs can often be cheap, or even free. For example, if you bring an entry to one of the one-day contests here, there is no charge for admission. By walking around and checking out the numerous shows and exhibits (not to mention the contest you just entered), you can get some exercise and avoid breaking the bank on rides and fried goodness, I mean, junk food. It can make for quite a fun afternoon, unless you are in the Jalapeño Eating Contest; that might not be so fun.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go train my worm, IwouldbefasterifIhadlegs, for his upcoming race.