My favorite sister (okay, she also happens to be my only sister) flew into town today so that she could surprise our dad, as an early Father's Day present kind-of-thing.
We will be very busy, as you can see from the tenative itinerary on the card I made for her (click on the picture for a larger version).
I truly apologize for the rudimentary drawings. My skills in this department are pretty limited; the stick figures make it pretty obvious. I'm sure Mrs. Lee, my elementary school art teacher, would cringe and shield her eyes from this "artwork," if you can call it that (I think I might have drawn better in the second grade). But she should take solace in knowing that she did the best she could with what she had.
The handwriting is a bit shaky too, I realize, but I hardly hand-write anything these days so I'm out of practice. I obviously need to work on that. My apologies to all my elementary school teachers; I know you taught me better than that. As for the art, well, I'm not sure there's much hope for that.
We will be very busy, as you can see from the tenative itinerary on the card I made for her (click on the picture for a larger version).
I truly apologize for the rudimentary drawings. My skills in this department are pretty limited; the stick figures make it pretty obvious. I'm sure Mrs. Lee, my elementary school art teacher, would cringe and shield her eyes from this "artwork," if you can call it that (I think I might have drawn better in the second grade). But she should take solace in knowing that she did the best she could with what she had.
The handwriting is a bit shaky too, I realize, but I hardly hand-write anything these days so I'm out of practice. I obviously need to work on that. My apologies to all my elementary school teachers; I know you taught me better than that. As for the art, well, I'm not sure there's much hope for that.
But I do want to express my gratitude and appreciation to all my teachers over the years. And I'm sorry that at the time I merely rewarded you for all your hard work and patience in teaching me my ABCs and 123s with "#1 Teacher" coffee mugs.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!