This cheese shop will give you samples of anything that you’d like to try if you ask. Is there anything better than free cheese? Wait, don’t answer that; I’m not sure I can be convinced otherwise.

Saint Maure de Touraine is a French goat milk cheese that is held together with a stick and covered in ash. It goes nicely with a red table wine.
Canestrato is a pasteurized sheep’s milk cheese from Sardinia, and it is aged in baskets to develop its sharp and pronounced flavor. We ate it on our afternoon cheese plate, and later shaved some over zucchini from the garden in place of the usual parmesan reggiano.
Other cheeses that I like: Cowgirl Creamery's Mt. Tam (oh, gooey goodness); Midnight Moon; Boschetto. You really can't go wrong with any of them.

I told you there were going to be flowers in this post, and I didn’t want to disappoint. So here are some pretty hydrangeas that we came across in the shopping center. I’m random like that (actually, this is only the pinpoint of a tip of the randomness iceberg; if you stick with me kids, you’ll see in due time).
Cheese. Yum.