(And Ben is technically the only puppy you'll see in this post, but I like the alliteration of the title, so I'm keeping it.)

Scout came over for a visit, but he seemed a bit bored just laying around like the basset hounds, so I decided to see if he would follow some commands, none of which I was sure he knew.
I must have seemed a bit of a bumbling idiot (though this comes as no surprise) when I said "bring" to Scout and pointed at his toy. But Scout seems like the type of dog who can really think on his feet, and he popped up, grabbed the toy and carried it to me, then waited for me to take it from his mouth.
I'm sure he was wondering what this crazy lady was doing (I mean, why would I want his toy?), but he put up with me. Scout has the patience of a saint.

I like to think he's hurrying to see me, but it might have to do with the treats in my pocket. But I'm just going to tell myself it's because he likes me.

It's a very important job, and I think Lucy's got it down pat.
I'm glad it's Friday, and I hope I'll get to emulate Lucy a little bit this weekend. As far as the lounging goes, that is. I might look funny with long ears and all that fur.
Loves it.