Saturday, July 18, 2009

Basil Mashed Potatoes


Time for some basil mashed potatoes! Nothing says summer like, um, summer. Maybe not basil mashed potatoes as much.

But work with me here. Please? I know it's hot, but trust me, these potatoes are worth slaving over a hot stove for, and if by slaving, I mean just boiling, then yes, you would be correct.

To serve up this bowl of deliciousness, you will need about 3 medium potatoes and 8-10 basil leaves, as well as about a cup and a half of plain lowfat yogurt, strained, as I've explained here. And for those of you who can't fathom mashed potatoes without butter, feel free to add a few tablespoons of butter to taste.


I just dug these red 'taters out of the garden, and they did get a bit big for this type, but they will be just fine with this recipe since they are getting boiled.

07-11-09 006_A

And they are decidedly less mutant looking than these ones, which look like some sort of experiment-gone-wrong from the island of Dr. Moreau. I have no idea what happened here.

I used red potatoes, but you could use Yukon Gold or even Russet potatoes if you prefer. Also, I don't peel them, as there are a lot of nutrients in the skin, but if you don't like 'em dirty, feel free to peel away.

So start these in cold, salted water, as you would all root vegetables.


Boil them for a while, probably 10-15 minutes or so. At least until you can easily stick a fork in them. I've always wanted to use that phrase "Stick a fork in it."

Go ahead and chop up your basil while you are waiting for the potatoes to boil. Maybe call a friend too. Or paint your nails. When the potatoes are done, drain and prepare to mash.


I like to use a square pan rather than a bowl for mashing, as the rectangular masher fits so much better in an object of similar size. You could use a hand mixer, and then you'd probably want a bowl, but I like to get a little workout in to counter-balance all the potatoes I end up eating in the tasting process.

And after I'm done, of course.


Once you've mashed the potatoes a bit, go ahead and add the yogurt, the basil and salt and pepper to taste. And butter, if you like. Everything is better with butter.

Keep mashing until the desired texture is reached. I like mine lumpy. Then scoop into a bowl and serve warm, maybe alongside some vegetables off the grill. And a nice pork chop.

And vegans, take heart! I know you can't use the recipe as I've outlined it here, but don't be afraid to try some red potatoes (boiled or grilled or baked or however you want them) with some chopped basil.

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