Tuesday, June 29, 2010

About That Traffic

Wow. It's almost July, and I have totally fallen behind on even getting pictures up from Vietnam.

But in lieu of those pictures (which I swear actually do exist), here is short clip of what it was like to ride on the back of a motorbike in Ho Chi Minh City. During rush hour traffic. In the most populated city in Vietnam.

It's a bit wild. (Notice the guy who makes an appearance on the far right hand side of the screen at about the 00:06 mark; I'll make a comment about him later).

I managed to take almost every mode of transportation possible during my trip (bus, train, plane, automobile, boat and motorbike). This was the most entertaining by far, though it does start to get uncomfortable over long distances. If you're ever in Ho Chi Minh City, you really must try it.

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