Saturday, August 1, 2009

Objects of My Affection

7-30-09 086_A

The garden is brimming with these beauties. In the fading evening light, I go out to rows and pick a couple handfuls for dinner. It's a lovely time; I appreciate all the blood, sweat and tears that went into this production.

And by blood, sweat and tears, I mean that literally. It's been a wild ride, not one in which I ever imagined being able to harvest these at this rate. I'm seriously considering setting up an "on your honor" stand outside my house.

It's been a busy summer. Unfortunately, this blog has taken a bit of a back seat to working at my "normal" job, spending time with the animals, traveling and tending to the garden, in addition to taking care of the everyday life things. But I'm here, I promise. Please have patience with me posting. Please? I'm willing to beg. Thank you very much. Muchos gracias. Merci beaucoup. Maximus tibi gratias ago.

That's all the languages I know how to say thank you in, but I think you get the point.

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